Remedial Massage
Remedial massage is a massage applied to the whole body and to areas of discomfort. Remedial massage is a
technique used by osteopaths to relieve pain, muscle tension and heal the cause.
The massage may involve the application of light to deep pressure to manage knots; damaged, tense,
immobile, stiff muscles, ligaments and tendons.
Throughout the procedure the osteopath uses oils which are massaged into the skin. The sessions may range
from 30 – 60 minutes
The benefits of remedial massage from your osteopath are:
- promote blood circulation to tissues and supply nutrition to cells
- remove toxins from muscles
- realign muscle fibres
- relax muscles
- improve joint mobility
- relieve pain and discomfort from stress tension
- relieves mental stress and anxiety
- call upon body’s natural pain killers, endorphins
- assist in management of conditions like arthritis, cramps, whiplash, sports injuries
- relive chronic pain from inactivity